Capt. Tom Liggett's Photos


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The first group shows Tom Liggett and his family.  Time progression can be judged by the ribbons on his uniform.

After just receiving his wings

Tom and his brother John

Front 4 are Tom's aunts and cousins

Tom and cousin

Dress whites with a ribbon bar

Tom and unknown.

After tour on Guadalcanal, now with combat ribbons.

Drawing by Alex Raymond, May 31, 1945 aboard the USS Gilbert Islands

After serving in the dive bomber squadron on Guadalcanal Tom was sent to American Samoa where these photos were taken in 1943.  He transferred into fighter squadron VMF-121 equipped with the F4F Wildcat.

Four pilots VMF-121

VMF-121 5 pilots

USMC pasttime - Acey Ducey

Beach at Fale-olo

Beach at Fale-olo

Cheesecake the Samoan Ace. Note 2 pigs painted on the side.

Col. Leonard 'Duke' Davis wearing his Navy Cross for action on Guadalcanal

wrecked F4F

1st Lt. David K. Allen's gravesite.

Magnetic chart centered on Funa Futi, 1943

VMF-121 pilots with Tom at lower right

VMF-121 group picture

Home of Robert Louis Stevenson

R L Stevenson's grave

Squadron Ready Room

In the Ready Room

Coleman the professor

Russell the Ripper

Sighting in the guns

In January 1944 Capt. Liggett was assigned to VMF-512.

Probably at the training base, Pollocksville NC

July 25, 1945 rescued after crashing at sea.

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This site was last updated 11/26/07