Date |
Comments: |
09/10/2008 |
Great FJ-3 Fury! I've only
seen two built 1/48 models of the elusive and rare FJ-3;
one in a gull grey & white scheme and yours in the
overall gloss sea blue scheme. Your VF-51 Fury is
There was lots of service on
my dad's side of the family. My paternal grandfather
served in the US Army in Alaska, my paternal great-uncle
was in the US Navy (I think he served on a carrier) in
the Pacific but he drowned in 1946. One of my great
aunt's served in the Women's Army Corps, the other
great aunt was a 'Rosie the Riveter' in a Consolidated
factory in the DFW area.
All three of my uncles
served - one in the Navy & two in the Army. My maternal
uncle actually served under my Godfather (at that time a
Capt.) in the Texas National Guard. My uncle and my
godfather were mobilized during the Cuban Missile
My Godfather was a Bronze
Star-earning, US Army Forward Artillery Observer in
Thanks for the great website & the beautiful models.
Bryan Hevron
08/22/2008 |
I typed my Grandfather's
name into Google and came up with your website Ref: VMTB
143. My Grandfather was a gunner on a torpedo bomber in
the pacific during WWII. My Grandfather's name was Harry
F. Hinkle. After and prior to the war my Grandfather
worked for PECO. Philadelphia Electric Company. I have a
large article hanging in my home. The article is titled
"Harry Got a Zero." (Guadalcanal) It has a picture of my
Grandfather and some artwork of a turret gunner downing
a zero. I grew up mesmerized by this article. I asked my
grandfather countless times, "Pop Pop did you really
shoot down a zero." The answer I got was always the
same. "I don't know Jeffie, everyone was shooting at
it." At 39 years old I have come to realize this is
indicative of the greatest generation, never taking sole
credit for their achievements. My grandfather had a huge
impact on my life. He taught me how to fish and hunt as
this was his passion. He talked many times of his
Pacific Theatre experience. I got the feeling that his
time in the Marine Corp were some of his fondest
memories. After the war Harry continued his employ with
PECO. He lived in Springfield Twp. Delaware Co. Pa. He
also had a vacation Home in Mystic Isle NJ. I spent many
of my weekends at his home fishing in the Great Bay.
Sadly Harry F. Hinkle died of emphysema in 1995. I
thought you may want to update your website to reflect
this. Thank you for keeping the fading memories alive.
Jeffrey Woodruff E mail
10/23/2007 |
I'm trying to find anyone who knows anything about John A,
Gwiazda who served in Okinawa about June 1945,
VMTB-232 line crew. I am a friend of john and trying to
help him remember his service at that time of WW2. John is
91 years old and is not in good health. While he is still
sharp at times but gets confused of what happened in
Okinawa. I hope someone remembers him and can help me with
his memories. He talks of John A. Novobilski who served
with him on the VMTB-232 crew. I tried researching
Novobilski on Google but no luck. Please help if
anyone can.
John Gwiazda live's in " Jerome Home" 975 Corbin Ave, New
Britain, CT 06052
Thank you.
Bruce Ellison
Email " "
12 Red Coat La.
Unionville Ct. 06085
09/11/2006 |
Dad (George Irwin) was with VMTB-131 from March 1944 to
Sept 1945. He was a cook with the squadron. I know he
spent most of that time on Guam. If anyone knew him or has
any information about him please contact me at this email
address. Thanks, Patrick Irwin ( |
06/02/2006 |
Adam, enjoyed
your site immensely, helped me gain some insight on B25
operations in the pacific and info on my father-in-law
Capt. Julian B. Baird, who was the CO at the time of
Dirty Dora. Regards, CW2 John Ingram US Army
(Ret) |
. |
03/31/2006 |
Neglected to tell you how much I have enjoyed your web
site. Having correspoded with Tom Liggett & his wife
over the past several years, I was extremely happy to be
able to learn much more about him. While we were on
Guadalcanal at the same time, I did not arrive there
until mid November of 42and he was a month ahead of me,
we did at least serve in the same place at the same
time. Sincerely M/Sgt. Howard J. Fuller, USMCR.Ret.
. |
03/30/2006 |
Adam: I
joined the Marines (Regular) in March 1940, the first e
yrs., I was with VMS-1, later VMSB-131 & eventually
VMTB-131, Served as an ordnanceman, Returned stateside
in June of 43, back over in January of 44, Serviced with
Hq.Sq. Mag-11, as Leading Chief, Returned stateside in
45, Same job with MNFOTD Kingsville & Veri Beach.
Took discharge in March 1946. Meet up with Tom Liggett
years later thru his publication, have kept in touch via
letters, A great fellow, M/Sgt Howard J. Fuller, USMCR.
Ret. |
. |
03/21/2006 |
Dear Adam, I
am a retired USMC aviator. Just found your site. I flew
from F9F-5,FJ-4,F8U-2,3,F-4 in combat squadrons. I will
go througth your site and answer any questions that i
find there. LtCol. Matthew B. Peck (Buck) |
. |
03/19/2006 |
Hi I was a
war babby also 1947 (after the ww 11) but my Dad Roy
Wilson love the B-25 it saved he;s life at normande and
in the south picfic.I am buildin a flying RC modle of
the B-25 (HAVELY BODY) In His name.My DAD passed away 6
years ago but i will never forget he's blessing for the
B-25. |
. |
03/13/2006 |
My name is
Kevin Callanan. I'm an Army veteran, writing on behalf
of my wife's grandfather, William H. Orr, a M/TSGT in
VMF 512 aboard the USS Gilbert Islands in 1945. He is
alive and well, living in Deland, FL- still tough as
nails- and ready willing and extremely eager to
reconnect with any of his surviving brothers-in-arms.
Please e-mail me with any information regarding good
unit locator sites. Finding any of his old marine
buddies would be the greatest gift I could give him.
Thank you. |
. |
03/12/2006 |
At the end of
WWII I was assigned to VMF113as a WEATHER FORECASTER.
Missed all the HOT action. SSgt Lee C Barr,
619948 |
. |
03/09/2006 |
Adam, Just
happened across your web page. I enjoyed it very much as
my father was a co-pilot with Vic on Dirty Dora II. I
have heard and enjoyed many stories from my father and I
happen to have a copy of the painting shown on your
website with my father's & Vic's signatures on it
hanging in my office. My Dad is Byron Reed. Too bad he
doesn't mention any of the others or have photos of them
in his photo page of Dirty Dora II. By the way, my
father is very much alive and well so Vic is NOT the
only surviving pilot that flew Dirty Dora II!!
............Thanks for the message. You're invited to
make a contribution to this web site. I hope you do!
Please contact me with the email link.
Adam. |
. |
03/08/2006 |
Hi! Mr.Lewis,
Thank You! This is A.S.Woolstencroft. writing you to say
once again THANK YOU! for your assistance with my
Father's 2d MAW,MAG 11,134 Sqn. History info of it's
Historical travles in WW II in the P.O.A. and for
returning my only picture of him in the WW II although
it's a copy now I know just a little more about what
went on in that time in his life, I'm planing on puting
together all my information in one,small book for my
Family and Children. Say! every one out there I'm trying
to find out more about my Uncle my Mothers only Brother
[Robert(Bob)Blanchard], I was told by my oldest Brother
that (Bob) was also in the USMC,in WW II on board a ship
in the P.T.O. as a security personnel. So if any one out
there reads this that once worked with (Bob Blanchard)
can you please contact me at [A.S.Woolstencroft 1431
Murray Rd, McKinleyville, CA. 95519 or by Phone # 707 /
839-0480] Thank you in advance, Oh! I also do Genealogy
work on the side for any one that can use help. Well Mr.
Lewis Thank' again. GOOD LUCK! |
. |
03/01/2006 |
Hi, my name
is Michael and I'm in an honorary squadron that
commemorates VMF-512 and the men who served it. The
pilot who I represent is 1st Lt. Earl W. Hopp in a
virtual online squadron called MCVG-2. We fly on the
game Pacific Fighters (IL2 Series). So I was wondering
if you or anyone could give me a little more information
on him. Stuff like nose art, aircraft number, and any
basic information about him that will help me portray
him would be wonderful. I would really appreciate it!
Thanks for your time and this is a great website. I’ll
be sure to share it with my squadron! Thanks, Michael
Email me here: |
. |
02/27/2006 |
Excellent website. I'm an aviation artist in San Diego,
and I'm creating a painting of "Dirty Dora" with the
help of your pictures. I hope to finish it soon and
share with your web supporters. Thanks, Allan
........................ Hi Allan - Sounds good! I'd
like to see your work when it's done. Adam |
. |
02/16/2006 |
Hi Adam My
name is susan klumpp and i have a signed copy of alex
raymond s usmc art it's of marines praying in the sand
at night. my mother in law was stationed in philly with
mr raymond her name was mary kline..............Susan -
Would you like to contribute images to the Alex Raymond
page? If so, please contact me using the email link
above. Thanks, Adam |
. |
02/09/2006 |
Hi Adam! once
again I A.S.W.the son of [David J Woolstencroft]is
writing to ask of any one out there in cyber-space to
PLEASE HELP ME! I'm still looking for information of any
kind on [My Father's MARINE AIRCRAFT GROUP-11(VMTB-134)
in the Western or Central Pacific area's of the 2nd,4th
MARINE AIR WINGS, in the timeline of 16 march 1944 to 11
may 1945. I have found some Comments of people along
these lines of MAG-11 like (dated} 1-31-2006,12-19-2005,
12-14-2005,10-15-2005 to name just a few and I'm trying
to contact them, If any on reads my comment it would
reley help me alot with my Dad's History. I am trying to
make a history timeline of events for my Children to
enjoy. so! if any one can help, Please call or write to
me [A.S.W. 1431 Murray Rd McKinelyville,CA 95519] or Ph#
[1-(707)839-0480]Thank you to one and all. Thank you All
for Serving the U.S.A. GOD BLESS. |
. |
02/09/2006 |
Hi! ADam, My
name is A.S.Woolstencroft, I'm the son of David J
Woolstencroft and I'm trying to find any one who was
part of the [VMTB-134 Squadron]in WW II in the Pacific
My Father was a Radio,Gunner in a TBM and in 1944 he was
Stationed on the Island of Espiritu Santo in the Pacific
and I'm hoping that [ANY ONE]with any information about
my Dad's time and events around the Central or Western
Pacific Operations could help me because I'm trying to
make a small family book about his life and times in the
PTO for my Children. I have been looking on the Internet
for anything about his Squadron 134 and I have found
alot of info some of his Marine Aircraft Wings 2nd, 4th.
but very little on [My Father Him self] of any kind. I
am looking for the time's around 16 March 1944 to 11 May
1945. I thank you all that can help in any way. My
address in ASW 1431 Murray Rd McKinelyville, CA. 95519
My Ph# is 1-(707)839-0480 PLEASE HELP IF YOU CAN! THANK
. |
02/06/2006 |
Adam- This
site is the aboslute best when it comes to information
on this Marine Carrier Air Group. I have to agree that
it is the most detailed that I have ever encountered.
Good Job. |
. |
02/05/2006 |
This is a
most comprehensive and fantastic resouce. I am very
interested in MCVG-2 embarked in CVE-107 and have found
your site to be just about the most detailed of any on
the subject. |
. |
01/31/2006 |
1/31/2006 Hi
Adam. Everyone is right. This is a great site. Good job.
My request to your readers is only related to your site
in as much as I'm looking for a pilot. Does anyone
remember the fatal crash of a Marine Transport Plane on
Mt. Rainier WA. Dec. 10, 1946 that killed all 32 aboard?
I am writing a book on the Marines that I can find
information on. One of which is Lt. Col. Alben C.
Robertson. He was the Co. Pilot training to take over as
pilot. His first flight on that plane. I found out he
was in MAG.25 and Marine Torpedo-Bomber Squadron 134
Nov.-Dec.1943 and Feb.-May 1944. I believe, with all the
pilots that visit your site,there must be someone that
knows him and who his family is. The MCL at Enumclaw has
a foot locker with his name on it and they would like to
return it to his children. They have asked me to try to
find the family to return it to them at the 60th
Memorial Service Aug. 26, 06 at Enumclaw, WA. I'm also
trying to find Master Sgt. Charles Criswell and Master
Sgt. Wallace Slonina from the same flight. My brother,
Albert Stubblefield, was also on the flight. Please help
me if you can. My E-mail is
Thanks Alice |
. |
01/25/2006 |
. |
01/24/2006 |
My name is
Gordon A King III, the oldest son of Gordon King who was
the gunner on the Dirty Dora. I enjoyed looking at the
pictures and seeing a part of my dad's life in the
military. If you have any other photos or stories about
my dad, I would truly enjoy seeing them. Thanks Gordon A
King III (Gus) |
. |
12/31/2005 |
I was doing
some research on a painting I have by John Lally and
found your site. I have a painting that is an artist
proof by John Lally. Did this fellow ever delve in to
painting? It is a painting titled "Steam
Ship". |
. |
12/30/2005 |
Please Keep
this site On,I think It Is One Of the Best I Have come
accros in recent times,Thank you MR.MUGU |
. |
12/26/2005 |
Re: Bernard
M. MacDonald (my father) of VC-97. Please contact me
with information on him. R.B. MacDonald 209-575-7443 |
. |
12/19/2005 |
Hello Adam,
it truly was a pleasure to meet you last month. You
truly are a gentleman and a scholar, as well as a fine
host and a very patient tourguide :) The short time that
my brother and I spent with you allowed us to gain a
greater insight into the life of our father, Major Eldon
Fulwood, Sr. USMCR, during WWII and especially during
his time aboard the USS Gilbert Islands. We can't thank
you enough for that. Thank you for everything you've
done for us. Scott |
. |
12/14/2005 |
I am trying
to get information regarding Captain John R. Dexheimer,
attached to VMSB - VMTB 232 Red Devil Squadron. John has
since passed away, but is survived by his wife Marge and
four daughters. I am doing research concerning John and
his role in the Pacific during World War II. We know he
served in many of the major battles during the War. He
flew TBF's and SBD's from 1943 thru
1946.......................Please send me an email at Adam |
. |
12/14/2005 |
Hi! my name
is steve Woolstencroft and I'm looking for information
about my Fathers Military History in WW2 in the PTO. his
name was [David J Woolstencroft] he was a Privet in the
USMC,Radio-Gunner on a VMTB-134 MAG-11 4thMAW and I have
his record about the PTO in WW2- Islands exc. but I'm
looking for his
airwing,MAG-11,2ndMAW,4thMAW,[VMTB-134]anything about
this information and any internet address's and any one
that is still alive from his Airwing's so I can find out
more about his live in ww2 for a family book. My Phone
number is 707/839-0480 my address is 1431 Murray rd,
Mck, CA 95519 I wish to say thank you for all your help
and Merry Christmas and a Happy New
Year...........................Steve - Please drop me an
email at Adam |
. |
12/03/2005 |
Dear Mr.
Lewis, I am delighted to have come across this website.
My name is JD Hembree, 2nd Lieutenant, U.S. Marine
Corps, and I was a member of VMF-512 from June -
December 1945. If you would like to contact me, please
email momcass at email dot com....................Lt.
Hembree - I've tried to contact you a few times but have
not heard back. Please send me an email using the link
at the top of this page. Thanks, Adam |
. |
12/02/2005 |
Hi, I am
trying to track down the WWII airplane that had the nose
art "Pleasant Dreams" can anyone help me out? Please
send me info at Thanks...Ted
O'Connell |
. |
11/18/2005 |
grandfather was Alcee Trahan, one of the enlisted men in
the photo with the plane (If I am not mistaken I think
it is a Corsair). My grandfather died 9 years ago, he
was a proud Marine (retired from the reserves) and sent
away in his dress blues. Spending time with him while I
was growing up he told me sevaral stories of the pacific
during WWII and VMF 512. He loved the corsair and the
Marine Corp. He would be proud to know that he is part
of this history and not forgotten. Semper fi and god
bless the men and women who haved served our country to
protect our freedom and liberty. |
. |
11/09/2005 |
John Ewbank
had never heard about the Liggett military caree, but
happenned to read it on Nov. 9, 2006. I now appreciate
how you are such a fanatic new yorker. |
. |
11/07/2005 |
Hi Adam, Hope
you are enjoying your retirement. Just thought to let
you know that sitting on the borade bomber tarmac is a
Do-24 Flying Boat. Drop me a line when you can at Regards, Rich |
. |
10/23/2005 |
Hello my name
is Brandon Furler, I'm a crew member of the 408 Squadron
Lancaster fm212. my e-mail is I'm
looking for Lancaster vets who are thinking on coming
down to Windsor Ontario. If so please e-mail me if you
want to come out and take a look and tour on our
Lancaster. We'll be more than happy in letting you or
your loved ones to come out. |
. |
10/20/2005 |
i am looking
for old shipmates from 1952-1956,his name is richard
landry'IM please anybody
cheri |
. |
10/15/2005 |
Adam, I am
visiting my uncle in NC and decided to write a short
note as well. I never went on your website again so I
did not see your note to me until today, but Dan Rapp
called me last week to tell me he had discovered your
website too. Feel free to call either of us!
Sheryl |
. |
10/15/2005 |
My niece,
Sheryl McDonald from Atlanta told me about this web
page. It was with great enjoyment and interest to read
about VMTB 143 the squadron my brother-in -law, Capt.
Henry Stalnaker, USMC was commander of. I also knew his
wingman very well--Capt. Eddie Leidecker. Eddie was with
EAL when I was with EAL in athe late 60's. Casey was my
hero when I was growing up in the last days of WWII. I
always wanted to be a pilot like him and I became
one--flying 727's freighters at the end of my career. I
also know Dan Rapp of Hickory NC who did a lot of
research about Casey and his exploits in the Solomon
Islands. He wrote Casey's War Chest. I have 2 big boxes
of Casey's stuff I am storing for my niece. Mike
Geremia,13 Catatoga Path Brevard, NC 28712 phone 828 885
7986 or 828 551 4759 or Sheryls #
770-998-5088 |
. |
10/10/2005 |
Hi! My
grandpa is John Worlund. He is in some of the picture's
of Jack Lally's. I didn't know if there was anyway I
could get a copy of some of them. I have the picture of
the "Ready Room" in my office. My grandpa is still alive
at 85 and is doing great. I would love to here from you.
Christy |
. |
10/10/2005 |
Nicely done.
I feel humbled in my own efforts to chronicle escort
carriers in the pacific,
where I try to showcase history and flight simulators in
one site. Come on by and look at it. Erik
(CAG) |
. |
10/05/2005 |
. |
09/11/2005 |
Very well
done! Don't forget the 13th AF though! Jack
Cook-historian 44th Fighter Squadron Assoc. |
. |
09/10/2005 |
Test New
Guest Book. |
. |
08/30/2005 |
I have info
on VMTB-143 you may be interested. Dan Rapp |
. |
08/06/2005 |
I had been
google-searching for pictures of WWII aircraft when I
"landed" (sorry!) on your site sir. Without really going
through any of the accompanying text, I found a great
pic of a Supermarine Spitfire that I am using as a
screen background. I added your site to "favorites" so I
could use other pics later on, as I like new ones every
so often. Just now (about 2 AM Sunday, Aug 7) I started
reading your intro and was just FLOORED when it became
apparrant that the pics are of MODELS!!!! I have not
seen ANY photos of ANY aircraft that come close to the
quality that you have incorporated into your work! You
have my great admiration for your effort sir, and my
humble thanks for the (private!) use of your projects. I
doubt that there is a better looking photo of an FJ-3 on
any site anywhere! |
. |
07/30/2005 |
I would like
to get 499th stickers for my B25 my phone nunber is
2607474853 my name is Carl would very much like to talk
with you the VP of the 499th live down the street from
me want to make a modle for him if you want just leave
your name and number on the caller Id i will call you
back thanks Carl friend of the 499th
..........................Carl - please send an email
using the link at the top of the page. What scale is
your model? Adam |
. |
07/26/2005 |
It was great
to see my father, 1st Lt. Leroy A. Seipp, in the photos.
He is alive and well living in Riverside, CA as of this
date (7/26/05). Randall Seipp
................................Randall - Would you
please contact me using the email link at the top?
Thanks, Adam |
. |
07/21/2005 |
Clark Edward
Johnson was my Dad and I am very glad to have found this
web site, because I am still so very proud of
him. |
. |
06/13/2005 |
I too, like
you, have read Fly For Your Life several times and it is
just as good on the rereads as it was the first time.
Keep up the good work. Roy Julian, Crockett,
Tx |
. |
06/09/2005 |
Enjoyed your
web site very much. Went through the Gilbert Islands
photo and the attached sguadron. Great fun and the best
collection I seen. Ron Campbell |
. |
06/08/2005 |
Thank you for
your website and the photos of my father, Captain Henry
Clark Stalnaker, aka "Casey". I never knew him, but
always feel connected by viewing the lovely photographs
of him. Sheryl McDonald - Atlanta, GA
........................... Sheryl - Thanks for the
note. I maintain a mail list for my newsletter
about the USS Gilbert Islands.. Drop me a line
using the email link at the top of the page if you want
to be included. Adam |
. |
06/07/2005 |
Thank you for
providing the detailed information of my Uncle Clark who
was a very special person. I hope his three children are
able or have been able to read your historical data. His
brother, Robert Johnson also served in the military
though I am not aware of any medals awarded with such
distinction as Uncle Clark. Thank you. Cathy Carr.
.............................Cathy - I wish I could have
met your uncle Clark. The war was won because of
great company commanders like him.
Adam |
. |
06/07/2005 |
I've been
searching for information on Col. Clark E. Johnson US
Army (my uncle) for quite sometime, to no avail. I was
delighted and surprised to find his name pop-up after a
Google search leading me to your site. The information
was terrific. I knew he was a hero but had only a basic
knowledge of his WWII endeavors. Clark was a proud,
rugged individual. The classic example of the first
generation American of his era. Thanks for the great
work. I look forward to reading about the other men on
your site. |
. |
06/05/2005 |
Have visited
before. A wonderful website honoring those who served
this nation during World War II. I would like to thank
you for affording an exchange of e-mails and telephone
conversations with "Press" Adams and "Fritz" Liebich.
Since I served on Miyako Shima during the 1950s,
exchanging experiences with these fine gentlemen has
made my experience on Miyako Shima even more meaningful.
- Clark N. Nelson USAF 1956-60 - Miyako Shima
1957-58. |
. |
05/31/2005 |
What a
nostalgic evening I have had! Bob Cox's family just
discovered your webpage. There are names here mentioned
frequently in my father's letters home from Goleta and
the Gilbert Islands. I probably met some of these men
when the family went to Santa Barbara to see our father
off in February, 1945. We have one of Alex Raymond's
drawings of our father, and a party inviation he sent
our mother from Orlando, but I had never seen the "Ready
Room" picture on the webpage. What a joytohaveit. We are
curious about the name "Bobby Cox." He was always called
"Bob" by his friends in Oklahoma. Is there a story here?
Bettie Lu Cox Lancaster |
. |
05/30/2005 |
Hi All: It's
Memorial Day and thought it fitting to visit your site,
plus my dad is in the section on Gilbert Islands, and
Harry Christenson's section. Thank you for the web site
and your service, your great! Jan Roletto |
. |
05/19/2005 |
Adam: I just
found your website through Googling 'USS Gilbert
Islands". My father, Lt. Robert G. Graves, was a plank
owner on the GI and was CIC officer. I'm always looking
for information on the action she [the GI] had. My
father died 23 Aug 1990. He never really talked about
the war and I never asked. I have some of his papers and
have received his personnel records from NARA. I was
going to request the ship's deck log from NARA and you
have summarized it. Do you know if the action reports
are available? Thanks for the wonderful pictures. I
framed my dad's shellback and sent it to my oldest son.
I'm going to send him your website. Marilynn Graves
Wright. .........................Marilyn, I have the
'combat diary' from NARA in College Park. Please
contact me through the email link at the top of the
page. Thanks, Adam |
. |
05/11/2005 |
I served
aboard the USS Gilbert Islands (CVE-107) from July
1952-July 1954. Andy Syka |
. |
04/28/2005 |
Adam, It is
I, Curtis Wilcox. Perhaps after you retire and have a
little more time, is there any way I may personally view
your collection? I'd love to see your planes. If I would
have known about this earlier, believe me, I would have
pestered you to death for a viewing. |
. |
04/23/2005 |
Just read "
Fly for Your Life " this is an astonishing book about a
very courageous pilot. Is he still alive? It is truly a
good flying tale.. |
. |
04/20/2005 |
Your VMF-512
article is great. I am the grandson of Major Elton
Mueller who you show crashing his F4U on the flight
deck. Sadly, he passed away 5 years ago and I received
all his flight records. Being a pilot myself, I have
been researching his career from WWII thru Vietnam. If
you have any additional info on him, could you please
forward? Thanks Adam. Chris Mueller, email me at |
. |
04/03/2005 |
Great Site !
I was a plank owner and served aboard the GI from Day
One until I left her in Norfolk VA to be discharged.
Have been completely unaware of any reunions over the
years and only got your site from a kind 106 (Block
Island) buddy. Would love to hear from any other
"survivors" Art Elias Phm 2/c |
. |
03/27/2005 |
I enjoyed
reading your article on the B-25 Betty's Dream. Great
web site. I also have a question regarding the B-25.
Were the spent shell cases and ammunition links from the
.50 caliber machine guns in the 8 gun hard nose B-25s
ejected from the airplane, or were they collected and
emptied later. I also have the same question for the
tail gun position. Any information you could provide me
would be much appreciated. Thanks. Ron Lapp
...........................Ron, I asked Vic Tatelman and
he says "In regard to the question from Ron Lapp
concerning the spent shell casings and ammo belt links;
those from the 8-gun nose were ejected overboard;
those from the tail and waist guns were dumped on the
floor (which made moving around in the waist after
coming off a target very interesting)." Vic is a
class act. Adam |
. |
03/06/2005 |
I served on
the CVE 7/1952-7/1954 as a "retread"During WWII I was on
the DE-44 which escorted the CVE-107 on the Balikpapen,
Borneo Invasion. Two WWII CVE-107 men died recently,
both from Pittsburgh, PA, my hometown. One was Bill
Hensel, the other was radioman Bob Kosarich. The latter
was a neighborhood buddy. Hensel I saw at several GI
reunions for K-War and WWII. Andy Syka LCDR USNR
................................Andy, I got your name
from Reds Arrington. Please contact me if you want
to make a contribution to the USS GI page. Thanks,
Adam |
. |
03/06/2005 |
Adam, Enjoyed
seeing history of USS Gilbert Islands. I can appreciate
the time and work that you must have spent doing this
project. Maybe it's just one small bite of the history
of WWII, but I could sense how big it was for every
member of her crew. Did not know Marines flew ground
support off 4 carriers. Wish we could have talked more
when we had lunch at Robin's. Susan liked seeing her
good friend Maureen again. Thanks for meetiong us in
Cambria. Truly, Allen
Maureen and I enjoyed our trip to Cambria and wish we
had spent more time. Nice to meet you and see Sue
again. Adam |
. |
03/06/2005 |
Nice website.
Enjoyed the photos of Mogmog, in particular. While
enroute to Okinawa, in '45, my Pharmacist's Mate dad had
the opportunity to pull liberty on the island, an island
of which he long fondly remembered, "had the coldest
nurses and warmest beer in the Central Pacific." A naval
aviator winging high over the island likened the
spectacle of the sailor-choked island-sanctuary with
that of a "discarded, half-eaten sandwich covered with
ants." Ironically, the men and women of WWII always
seemed inclined to find humor even in the darkest of
situations, in the dreariest and most isolated locales.
.................................Your note was good for
a hearty laugh! I wonder why Mog Mog didn't sink
under the weight of all those empty beer cans.
Adam |
. |
02/22/2005 |
Hi there I
was lookin up my uncle Chef Al's obit online an ran
across a link for this site. May my Uncle Al rest in
peace! Alberta Goodwin Brandon |
. |
02/22/2005 |
Hi Adam, I am
the grand-daughter of Alex Raymond and loved the war era
art you have on this site. Everything I have seen has
either been comic strip or pop culture related.
Thanks!!! Helen Zahuranec.
Thanks for the note. Alex Raymond's war era art
captures real people, who he drew with amazing
fidelity. Adam |
. |
02/19/2005 |
Great site!
My grandfather is Jeff Justice. He is very proud to be
amongst this group of men. Heather Justice.
...........................Heather, It was a pleasure to
talk to your grandfather and write about the
squadron. Adam |
. |
02/17/2005 |
Major Gordon
Bell's estate will be donated to the Flying Leatherneck
Museum (Miramar) on Feb. 26th 2005 at 11 AM. Any
interested individuals can contact me directly at Best regards, Bob Thomas |
. |
02/16/2005 |
I was
stationed @ miyako Jima AS 1956-57.Terry r. Calkins. |
. |
02/15/2005 |
Adam, I have
been trying to get information regarding the daylight
raid of the Blue Goose on Oct 15, 1942. My dad was on
that flight with Major Jack Cram. His name was Darrell
(Dick) Andersen. If you could forward this to any one
that has any other information or pictures of the Blue
Goose, it would be appreciated, I am trying to put
together a book about my day for his grandchildren.
Thank You Peggy Cochran my e-mail address is |
. |
02/07/2005 |
Is this site
still being maintained periodically? I think I am
related to a particular person On your site and would
like toknow if you have any photos of him? Tom
.......................................Tom, The site is
updated fairly often (see the 'What's New' page).
Please send me an email using the link at the top of the
page with the vet's name. Adam |
. |
02/06/2005 |
The pictures
of the Johnson medals and ribbons are fantatic. I am a
curator of the Military and Space Museum and I love to
see actual medals from the soldiers. Where are his
medals at? Are they open to the public. I love the fact
that you included the back side of the medals. Thanks
for the great pictures. Chris Profota.
....................................Chris, Thanks for
the kind words. The medals are shown only on the
website. Adam. |
. |
02/03/2005 |
Hi Adam: I
would like to use your message board to inform former
crewmembers of the Gilbert Islands of the passing of
Chef Al Richardson. He passed away 02/02/05 0630 hrs in
the Veterans Hospital, Salt Lake City, Ut. Funeral
Arrangements pending. He was a fine and caring gentleman
that was always ready to help others. Harry Christen.
.....................................Harry, I am sorry
to hear of Al's passing. May he Rest in
Peace. Adam |
. |
02/01/2005 |
Great Site
Adam Bob Strachan |
. |
01/24/2005 |
would like
more info about Harry Williama. I knew him well when he
was stationed at oak grove field inpollocksville,n.c. do
you have his address? would like so much to be able to
contact him. send info to jay (my son)
signed penny morton bender. Penny... my emails are being
returned as 'undeliverable'. Send me an email
using the link at the top of the page and I'll
respond. Adam |
. |
01/15/2005 |
Thanks for a
Great site. My Uncle was Squadron CO of VMTB-134 went
MIA Nov. 10, 1944 60 tears later on
expeditionPmanIII-$ found his wheel well parts on an
island barrier reef 6 miles nneof pelilu island. They
had a flag ceramont contacted Dept of Navy and changed
him to KIA Nov 12 1944 the Navy only recovered one of
his crewmen. Thanks to your Captain Bill Patterson he
recentley sent me a photo of my Uncle the Family had not
ever see or knew how he looked with a mousetasche. adam,
of actually sent me the photo. To all of
you Thanks,your work is a blessing to more than you
know. Semper Fi John C. Scullin VMF-221 radar repair in
1955 |
. |
01/09/2005 |
Adam, I will
be using the information you researched and put together
regarding VMTB 143 to build the Trumpeter model of a
TBM-3 in 1/32 scale. Thank you for providing the
technical background and your attention to detail. Well
done. Semper Fi CWO-3 USMCR Mike Witous Mike - please
send a few photos when you're done. If you pick
one with crew still living I would like to show them
your model. Thanks, Adam |
. |
12/15/2004 |
Adam, My
husband and I have really enjoyed your web site. I am
the oldest daughter of 1st Lt. Frankie Whalen, Gilbert
Islands, and I'm in the process of making a scrapbook
for Dad and they told me about your efforts. Some of the
photos others have sent to you are new to me and some
others never had an explanation before. I have taken the
liberty of printing a few for Dad to see since they
don't have a computer. We have always been proud of Dad
and I will share your web site with my brothers and
sisters (there are 6 of us) so we can all enjoy it.
Sincerely, Carol (Whalen) Restivo Carol, I have a few
thoughts for your Dad's scrapbook. Send me an
email if you want to get in touch. Thanks,
Adam. |
. |
12/10/2004 |
I like your
site. My grandfather was Clark E. Johnson. It was a
uprise to find this come up when I was searching for
info on him. Jennifer Johnson |
. |
12/05/2004 |
I recently
found a beat up old paperback copy of "Fly For Your
Life" and was just searching the web for sites related
to it's people and stories when I surfed on in to your
page. Some book! You could say that lady luck and the
grim reaper were having a custody battle over the man
for many years. I'm surprised I hadn't encountered this
book before. I've had an interest in the aircraft and
stories of both world wars since I was a
kid. |
. |
11/24/2004 |
An excellent
Web site with an opportunity to see a number of Alex
Raymond pieces I'd never seen before. Thank you, I'm
looking forward to the Tom Roberts book. |
. |
11/18/2004 |
Hi again Adam
Like your site brings memories back --all good Happy
Holidays to you and yours John Scullin |
. |
10/30/2004 |
Hi Adam:
Received your packet with the ship's cooks. I not much
help, but I have forwarded the picture to John McGuire
& Al Richardson as they worked with that group. I
will also enlist Joe Roletto. He has a good memory for
names & faces. About all I have left from WWII is my
Shellback Card, (Equator), Order of the Royal Dragon
(180th Meridian) & my Liberty Card from the USS
ALABAMA. Should I run across anything else I will
advise. Harry Christen |
. |
10/23/2004 |
Hi Adam: In
response to John McGuire I hope that he is in good
health also and enjoying himself. I was showing Joe
Roletto your website yesterday when I ran across John's
comments. He asked if you remembered Lancaster and
Caputo from the Second Division. The four of us made a
few liberties in Seattle while waiting for the G.I. to
be commissioned. John, here is my e-mail address: Noted your picture next to Al
Richardson. He is not doing too well these days as he is
in a convelescent hospital in Utah. Al worked as a chef
on Alcatraz until it closed then became the Head Chef in
the Utah State Prison System. Best Regards, Harry
Christen |
. |
10/22/2004 |
Dear Adam,
Would You pleas forward this to Harry Christian. Harry,
You have a picture of me in one of your group pictures.
I was in the second division under Lt. Andrews during
the war. After the war ended, the food got so bad, I
couldn't eat it. I lost about 25 pounds or more and
decided if I were going to make it back home I would
have to join tohe cooks. (Those fellows never ate what
they served us.) You can look at Al Richardson and see
he ate pretty well. So, After the war ended, I joined
the cooks. I'm in the group picture of the cooks in the
front immediately to Al Richardson's left. I believe I
was still 18 at that time. I just recently turned 78.
Hope you are doing well and enjoying good health.
Warmest regards, John T. McGuire |
. |
10/15/2004 |
My Uncle John
Loisel is a superhero!! He is such a wonderful man who
did so much for his country.I'm proud to be a loisel! |
. |
10/13/2004 |
Hi Adam:
Please forward this to John McGuire: Thank you John, I
was beginning to think I might have had a dream about
this. Always nice to know that your mental processing is
working properly at 80. Harry Christen |
. |
10/12/2004 |
Dear Adam,
Perhaps you can forward this message onto Y1c Harry
Christen. Harry, I also worked on the bridge. I was one
of the helmsmen. I believe I was on duty when the
incident happened with he mail plane because I remember
it. No one thought the plane would reappear after it
went over the bow of the carrier, but it did. Thank God.
Sincerely, John T. McGuire S1c |
. |
09/12/2004 |
My father,
Walter Kline, served on the Gilbert Islands during WWII.
I have numerous pictures of the ship, signing of the
peace treaty, and "action shots" taken during missions.
Unfornuately, my father passed away before I learned
alot about what he did. My e-mail address is
. |
08/29/2004 |
Hi Adam Visit
your site often and still enjoying the many comments
left. One incident that was brought to mind was during
the early part of the 1945 cruise, was the Torpedo
Bomber that left the flight deck without the aid of the
catapult. I was on the bridge at the time. I believe it
was loaded with mail and a 3 man crew. As it left the
deck it disappeared from view over the bow. It looked
like the ship was going to overtake it, but as fate
would have it (and the skill of the pilot) she made it
into the air. From all who were watching came a load
cheer. I have related this incident several times at
reunions, but was looked upon as some kind of nut, until
I found a Marine that was part of the flight deck crew
who had witnessed this also. Are there any more of you
out there that can substantiate this moment in time?
Harry Christen Y1c |
. |
08/19/2004 |
. |
08/10/2004 |
I was
stationed on Miyako Jima (or Shima) 1957-58 (USAF). I
walked the old Japanese airstrips at Hirara and Nobara.
I was also stationed at Naha Air Base through the same
period (57-58). I've viewed the pictures on Liebich's
page and have especially enjoyed the picture re: mission
against the island of Miyako Shima, as well as the
mission picture against Naha airfield. The reason being,
that I served at both locations. My questions: are there
anymore mission pictures circa 1945 against Naha and
Miyako? Also, is the individual who took these pictures
still living? If so, I would enjoy enchanging e-mails
regarding the missions and what he recalls (Miyako and
Naha only). Best regards Clark N. Nelson USAF 1956-60
623rd AC&W Squadron - Okinawa & Miyako
57-58 |
. |
07/27/2004 |
Adam, Frank
says Detector Guys need a legitimate escape. Great site.
Hector & Frank July 2004 |
. |
07/26/2004 |
What a
wonderful web site! My Father served on the USS Gilbert
Islands as a water tender and fireman. He has some
amazing stories to tell, and I am in the process of
documenting his service. He tells one story of when he
and a shipmate painted the cowling of one of the ship's
planes as "The Rocketeer", with a likeness of Woody
Woodpecker. Sadly, the plane did not return from its
mission. Are you familiar with the story? Thank you for
putting this site together. It's a wonderful tribute and
I will visit frequently. Scott Shuster Houston, Texas |
. |
07/20/2004 |
My father
James William Monk served in the US Navy aboard the USS
Gilbert Island in the 1940s. I am just beginning my
search of his career in the Navy and your website is
wonderful. I don't know what his job was on the ship but
will continue to search and hopefully be able to put
some pieces of his life together. He is deceased and
most of his papers and pictures were lost in the 1972
Flood in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania. If anyone remembers
him and has any information to help me in my research,
please let me know. My email is and I
would love to hear from anyone. He loved to play the
guitar and harmonica and before the war he played in a
band called Jim Monk and the Farmer Boys.Keep up the
great work. |
. |
07/17/2004 |
Adam, your
Website is as well done as your fantastic models. My
father Donald W. Bailey served as a gunner aboard Dirty
Dora towards the later part of the war. Looking at your
model reminded me of my looking into my father's photo
album of his time in the 345th Bomb Group. You truly pay
honor to these young men who sacrificed their youths in
service to their country.I wish my father were still
alive to see your website, he would have been so proud
of it. Thank you on his behalf...Tom Bailey |
. |
07/13/2004 |
I just want
to let you know that your website has been great for our
family. My Uncle was Kelvern O. Misamore who served with
the VMTB-143 from the carrier Gilbert Islands. He was
killed as you mention in the articles you have
published. Our family never really knew where he was
located when lost, what plane he flew, what escort
carrier he was flying from, etc. It is great to see his
picture in the South Pacific. If you happen to have any
more pictures of him in your archives we would be
grateful to see them as well. Respectfully Yours, Doug
Misamore, Westminster, MD. Doug: I've
sent you emails but they bounce back as
'undelivered'. Could you send me an email with the
link at the top of the page? Thanks,
Adam |
. |
05/30/2004 |
Dear Mr.
Lewis, I happened to encounter your site while
researching information on the Mitchell B-25D. I was
born in the middle of WWII myself and my father and
uncles were active in the armed forces in the Pacific
and European theaters. My wife's father was a tank
commander with the 1st Armored Division in the early
months of Operation Torch in North Africa.
Unfortunately, he was captured in the February, 1943,
debacle at Sidi bou Sid in Tunisia. His was the last
tank operational until a German 88 round went through
his tank's transmission and forced him and his crew to
surrender. He was interned in Poland at Oflag 64 for
until 1945 when he and a buddy escaped and made their
way to Russia. One of the camp commanders was Patton's
son-in-law, Col. John Waters. My uncle was a bomber
pilot in the South Pacific. He was a member of the 345th
Bombardment Group, 499th "Bats out of Hell" Squadron.
His name is George L. Cooper and his plane was a
B-25D-1, 41-30014, Nicknamed "Jayhawk", since my uncle
was a Kansan. His group went into combat in June of
1943. After a few missions they stood down while the
planes were converted to strafers at the depot at
Townsville, Australia. This is well-documented in
Hickey's book, as you have no doubt read. He and
"Jayhawk" and some of their missions are mentioned in
Hickey's book. You mentioned Max Ferguson speaking about
Vic Tatelman in his book, Bats Out of Hell Over Biak"
This is part of an excerpt from Ferguson's book.
"Captain George Cooper was a first pilot in the original
499th Squadron; being a Kansan, he named his B-25,
JAYHAWK. He was only 5'6" or 5'7" in height, but his
flying skills, his muscular coordination, and visual
acuity were so good, he believed he could stretch the
performance of the old B-25 to the limit" There's more
if you have a copy of the book. Uncle George's missions
were mostly barge hunting and destroying Nakajima
seaplanes at anchor as well as attacking airfields. He
did participate in the Simpson Harbor Raid where he shot
down 2 Jap Zerosduring the course of the raid. He flew
55 missions before he left for the states in early 1944.
His bombardier/navigator had not gotten his 50 missions
so Uncle George flew 5 more missions so the guy could
get his 50. Uncle George left with 55 missions and 2
zeros on the scoreboard. He became an instructor at
Myrtle Beach, SC. In June of 1944, he volunteered to
start flying the Douglas A-26. In the fall of 1944, he
contacted his former commander, Col. Jared Crabb
requesting reassignment to his command. He wanted to go
to Manila where his father(my grandfather) had been held
by the Japs in the Santo Thomas Internment Camp since
1941. He wanted to be there when the camp was liberated
by the Allied invasion forces. In January 1945, he flew
an A-20 against tagets in the Phillippines. He reunited
with his dad and mom. In May of 1945, he was made
Commander of the 8th Attack Squadron(LibertyBell), and
flew an A-26 in attacks on Okinawa until the end of the
war in August, 1945. He flew 25 missions on that tour.
He was part of the Occupation Forces in Japan from
August 1945 to November. My father was over there in the
JAG as part of the prosecution team for war crimes of
the Japanese military. He and Uncle George spent a lot
of time being tourists all over Japan, with Uncle George
commandeered planes and Dad commandeering jeeps. I guess
the point of this is that I'm not trying to take
anything away from Tatelman. He was a good pilot and my
uncle knew him as one. I just wanted to point out that
Vic wasn't the only 499th pilot to serve more than one
tour. Granted, Uncle George flew A-20's and A-26's on
his second tour and maybe Ferguson means that Vic was
the only one to fly two tours with the 499th or 345th
BG. I am very impressed with your site. I am building
the Accurate minatures 1:48 B-25 as my Uncle's plane.
Your kit building photos and descriptions will prove
invaluable. I'm glad you have taken such interest in
this part of our history and have studied the subject in
the same detail as I have. These were brave men, doing a
job and putting themselves in harm's way to secure the
freedoms we have today. We should never forget what they
have done. Hope I can contact you if I have some
questions on the model. Charles
Ward.................................. Charles - Thanks
for the informative note. In Sept 2003 your uncle
left a note in this guest log. I contacted him
through Vic and we exchanged a few letters. He's a
fine gentleman. I introduced Tom Cleaver to Vic
and that was the beginning of the article you mentioned
below. Please feel free to contact me through the
email link ... the subject line needs to stand out, I
get lots of spam. Best Regards,
Adam |
. |
05/30/2004 |
Adam, Just
came on a site of interest. Talks about Vic Tatelman and
George Cooper and one of the Simpson Harbor raids. The
site is:
Also a great picture of "Red Wrath". Check it out.
Charles Ward |
. |
05/11/2004 |
Great site,
I'm always looking for information on VMF-512. My
neighbor, Hubert (Flip) Coyne, flew Corsairs off the USS
Gilbert Islands, he will be excited when I show him
this. Hello! I'm trying to put a web page together for
VMF-512. Would you ask Mr. Coyne if I may contact
him? Thanks, Adam |
. |
05/05/2004 |
Dead real! I
am an amteur modeller and I wonder I would ever be able
to acheive this level of reality in my work.
Unbeleivable work! Enam |
. |
03/19/2004 |
Please, I am
doing some research on my uncle Charles E. Townsend, who
flew A-36 with the 86th FBG around Sicily &
Pantalleria. I'm epecially interested in pictures of ac
& pilots for an art project. Any help? Charles W.
Townsend (Please contact me
directly as I am not adept @ computer
research) |
. |
03/09/2004 |
website!! All kinds of neat info and pictures. Keep it
up, Adam! Cheers from Dan |
. |
03/01/2004 |
Date March 1,
2004 Enjoyed your website. Had an awesome experience
three years ago when received an email from Okinawa
asking if I knew the TBM crew that was shot down over
ISHIGAKI on April 15, 1945. I replied to John Perez and
SGT. Tim Wilson that I considered myself a close friend
of Loyd and everyone knew the pilot as he sang baritone
solos in Church Services on the hangar deck. Tim wrote
back, "You made my day! No you made my year!" We all
knew the fate of the crew as newspapers announced in
1947 that 41 Japanese had been sentenced to hang for
cruel slaying of crew that had parachuted out of plane.
They were part of Squadron VC-97 serving on the USS
Makassar Strait CVE-91. Loren Elliott, former ART 1/c
that serviced radar and radio altimeters on the TBM's of
VC-97. |
. |
02/22/2004 |
Adam, This
site is wonderful. I build planes that mean something to
me. That have a story behind them. I picked up the AM
B-25 about a year ago, and wanted to do Dirty Dora, but
your site has really got me motivated to build the model
now. I have a friend I see every week who flew a B-17G
#4338719 Blue Hen Chick for the 447th/409th during
44/45. It really brings home to me their sacrifices when
I build their planes. Thanks for sharing more stories
for me! Thanks again, Chris |
. |
02/21/2004 |
Hi Adam, I
enjoyed your site, especially the USS Gilbert Islands
section. I was a FT3 on the Gilbert Islands during the
Korean War (1953). It's good to see that the ship is not
forgotten. Mike Mitchell |
. |
02/18/2004 |
Adam,Your web
site reaches the height of preservation,not only in
facts,figures and pictures but also in the way you honor
these heroic individuals. |
. |
02/16/2004 |
Adam: You
really scared me last night when I received your e-mail
and noted the subject (Capt. Tom Liggett) as we get
older and hear from someone that you do not know and it
refers to someone that has been a friend for several
years, you automatically feel; it is going to be bad
news. In this case of course you were merely telling me
how you received my name & e-mail address. No, I am
not the Fuller who was made an honorary member of
VMF-512 by their C.O. Blaine Baesler. So far what I have
seen of your web site has been great. Will see if I have
anything to contribute re VMF-512 and get back to you.
Howard J. Fuller |
. |
02/12/2004 |
Wonderful web
page for a great man. I am working on a page for my Dad,
who landed on Omaha Beach. I have found some old photos
of a family who lived in Colville sur Mer. I can't find
anyone to contact there to try to get the pictures to
them. A town hall, perhaps? Any help would be
appreciated. email: thank
you |
. |
02/05/2004 |
Adam, since
my dad served as crew chief on "Betty's Dream", I can
deeply appreciate the beautiful, detailed model of the
airplane that you built. Thanks for such a great web
site and for your unique way of remembering and honoring
those who fought in World War II.--William Sharpe, Jr.
William - It's always nice to hear from someone who has
a personal attachment to one of the pages. Thanks
for stopping by and leaving the note.
Adam |
. |
01/30/2004 |
I am looking
for anyone who might have known my father SGT. Robert G.
Berry. He was with VMF113 on Eniwetok in WW2 . He was a
ground Mechanic on a corsair named Twin Acres . I would
love to learn more about his service. He passed away
when I was 9. Steve Berry SLTFD1@AOL.COM
thanks |
. |
01/28/2004 |
I will miss
Joe. We had many conversations and he was a great man. I
too had an interest in planes, but never got my privates
license. Will miss you always Joe---Love Mae
Snow |
. |
01/23/2004 |
My name is
Kristine Boblett (maiden-Bonacci), my father, Albert, is
Joe Bonacci's brother. I never met my father's side of
the family but this really helped inform me of things I
didn't know. It was great to read about him on your
site. I was surprised in how much they looked alike.
Just wanted to convey my sympathy for such a great and
loved man. With deep sympathy, Kristine Boblett
(Bonacci) Lewisville, Tx |
. |
01/22/2004 |
I have been
told that my father Andrew M. Lewis Jr. was an enlisted
man on the Gilbert Island. Do you have anyway for me to
figure out how I could get any information. I would like
to make my mother a shadow box....I am ex Navy, a
Cryptographic Tech and my husband will retire with 30
years in July 04, he too is a CT... Please let me know
if you can give me any information. tks. Robin Anthony
email: |
. |
01/18/2004 |
nice site! Do
you have interesting to any foreign aggressor sq.? there
is a new issue reference book to introduction of the
RoC(Taiwan)AF aggressor, total 113pgs, 64pgs color, all
F-5E/F detail pictures included. Robert |
. |
01/18/2004 |
Just for the
record in regards to your A-10 maverick missile
question. An A-10 can only carry 2 maverick missiles on
each outboard pylon even though the TER they were
mounted on could hold 3. The reason for this is that the
one rail closest to the wheel pod would be left empty
due to the exposed tire when the gear is up. It is
possible for the A-10 to carry 3 on each TER and fire
them but the result would be bad 2 burnt off and
slightly exploded tires in the wheel well not exactly
what you want if you want to go home at the end of the
day. TSgt Shawn Wood USAF 12 years on A-10’s. Sgt Wood -
I added a note at the bottom of the A-10 page.
Thank you for writing. Adam |
. |
01/16/2004 |
Adam This is
one of the easiest sites to visit.Thank You, Dave
Barber |
. |
01/15/2004 |
Hi Uncle
Adam, it's me Gina. I can't belive my dad is gone. It is
so hard. I loved him so much. Is there any way we can
add his name to something here and perhaps print it out
and frame it for the service? I know you thought of him
as a brother, and I just gave him your number and web
site. He was a great guy, and will be sadly missed.
Anyhow, anything with his name would be great! Is that
possible? My e-mail address is
Can you please let me know? Thank you for loving my dad,
he meant a lot to a lot of people and I don't think he
ever realized that. Love Always, Gina Gina - I added the
sad news to the Top Gun F-5E page. Uncle
Adam |
. |
01/11/2004 |
My regards!
Nice page Maciej Noszczak from Poland |
. |
01/08/2004 |
Nice site
Adam. Lets get a page setup so each plan can fly in and
out of the page as the next ones enters the page. That
would look cool. |
. |
01/02/2004 |
My father
flew B-25's out of Kungming, China, 1944-45. Some of the
planes he flew : # 409 J Carolyn K, #403 J Rhapsody in
Rivets, # 408 J Miss Dynamite, # 418 H Little Chief, #
407 Strafer J renamed 6/3/45 to Hooten Shooten C.J.
Should any of these ring a bell would enjoy to hear
about it. Please contact Robert Perigo : Robert - I hope the info I sent you on
your father was useful. Adam |
. |
12/30/2003 |
Adam, I very
much enjoyed your site! I also appreciate your
enthusiasm over my Father's book Fly for your Life. I
had the pleasure of meeting Bob Stanford Tuck several
times as a kid, and stayed at his farm in Kent. You can
just imagine his incredible stories told to us around
his fireplace! Thanks again for your praise of the book,
I will pass along your comments to my Mother! best
regards Gregg S. Forrester (Larry Forrester's son)
12-30-03 Gregg - What memories you must have! If
you can point me to someone who has a photo(s) of Tuck's
Mk II Hurricane(s) I would be very grateful. You
can contact me thru the email link. Best regards.
Adam |
. |
12/24/2003 |
Nice site -
good models, I liked your F106 - I nearly finished one
but it was relegated to the unfinished pile owing to the
poor fit and amount of filler required. Don |
. |
12/17/2003 |
Thanks for
your work on the site. |
. |
12/11/2003 |
Wow, what a
fabulous site 'Plane Fun' is. I'm so glad I randomly
discovered it in the course of a completely unrelated
search. How serendipitous. |
. |
12/08/2003 |
Very very
interesting, and some delightful well built models. I
loved the variety of subject. RCN (Brit) |
. |
11/26/2003 |
Enjoyed your
website! My uncle is Walter Will, MOH of 18th K company.
Tony Will Tony - if you have more details about that
engagement I would like to add it to the page. You
can contact me through the email link.
Adam |
. |
11/21/2003 |
wonderful and I only scanned the front page quickly.
Thank you so much for presenting this information. What
a treasured site it is. Sue Freitag p/s sent your web
address just yesterday to my brother-in-law (Navy man
Jim Shannon lives in NYC) who is very interested in WW2
planes. |
. |
11/04/2003 |
My Father
Stan Hildebrand served on the Gilbert during the Korean
war. I was looking for any mention of his buddies. |
. |
11/03/2003 |
As one who
had the honor & privilege to serve under John Loisel
I appreciate what you have done to honor such men. If
any other members of the 475th Ftr. Gp. are out there we
are still active and will have our next reunion in
Branson, MO 6-9 May 2004. They can contact me for
information. Curt Tinker |
. |
10/30/2003 |
Adam, Thanks
for turning me on to your site. One of the first
impressions I had was: you're a damn good writer for an
engineer!! Your attention to detail brings to life the
people and planes from a time so critical to our
history, and it's important that we don't forget them.
Sharing this site with us is truly a
gift. Dar Broumand |
. |
10/30/2003 |
Very nice job
on the 1/48 Spitfire Mk Vb. You may want to consider
building the trumpeter 1/24 scale Mk Vb. I have the kit
and it's very detailed. Plus it's big. It'll look great
on a desktop. The kit decals are for a Polish squadaon,
but I'm considering building Tuck's aircraft. I'll read
the biography as you suggest. Thanks
for the compliment. Let me know if you do Tuck's
Spit! I have the 1/24th Airfix Hurricane and it will be
built as Tuck's DT O A machine. Adam |
. |
10/30/2003 |
Adam, This is
a very nice web site. I am not a modeler. I got here
surfing a search for Sanford Tuck. What a pleasant
surprise. I appreciate the tributes you give to the men
who flew the planes. My Dad was the Chief Maintenance
Officer for the 1st Squadron of the 2nd Air Commandos
stationed in India and Burma during WWII. The P-51 B's
and D's they flew were a huge improvement over the Bell
P-39's they flew in Panama. Their planes were aluminum
with a black lightning bolt down the side and an
exclaimation mark on the vertical stabilizer. Anyway,
thanks for the neat site. Tyson Branyan Cushing,
Oklahoma |
. |
10/23/2003 |
Great models.
As a Montana boy and a fromer member of the 120th FIG,
the F-106 looked great. One little correction...I was
briefed that we were the only F-106 squadron that had
our cockpits painted sky blue (kind of a baby blue). The
reson was that Montana is "Big Sky Country" or the "Big
Sky State". The blue cockpits were the color of the big
Montana sky. Wheel and weapons wells were imaculate
gloss white, but I did see one bird with blue whel
wells. Also, the Montana state emblem on the nose gear
door also included a gold star where Great Falls (our
base location at Gore Hill) is located.
..................Please contact me with the email link
at the top of the page and I'll post your info on the
F-106 page. Do you have some photos to
share? Thanks, Adam |
. |
10/16/2003 |
Adam, Love
your P-38 project, thanks for including the pictures.
Comparing the decals and the real one was really nice,
thanks for taking the time and doing all the work to
show us! You have inspired me to build the Radio Control
P-38 that I have always wanted! My current Corsair
project is documented here: Thanks
again, Luke |
. |
10/06/2003 |
was the
marking of "DIRTY DORA II " the same as the first one?
I'M building models of all the B-25 I can find pictures
of. Doing some research I ran across your page. It was
new to me. Can you help. Thanks, John W.
Cranford. John,
please contact me with the email link at the top of the
page. Adam |
. |
09/24/2003 |
web site.Great models and great stories.Well
done! |
. |
09/02/2003 |
Nice job
Adam. You should become a member of the Air Force Assn
to keep up with military aircraft as well as other Air
Force information. I was one of the first pilots
assigned to the 499th. Julian Baird, Ops Officer &
later CO proposed the Bats Out of Hell name, and an
enlisted ground crew painted it (Mikalowski?)I also
returned to SWP but assigned to 3rd Attack Gp George
Cooper, Col USAFR retired |
. |
08/21/2003 |
Hy, Someone
sent me the URL that took me to the story of Capt Lally
and the USS Gibert Islands etc... It was sent to me
because my name is John "Jack" Lally also and I was in
the US Marine Corps during WW2 and made 3 landings,
Eniwetok, Guam and Okinawa. You can imagine how
interesting your Web was to me. Would you happen to have
Lally's Email address? Thanks. Jack Lally Garland, Maine |
. |
08/17/2003 |
Adam, You've
put together a super website, and your airplanes look
great! I must agree that building kits for pilots is the
best modeling experience there is. You can see 2 of my
A-4 skyhawks on the ARC webpage, and I'm working on an
F-18 for another Blue Angel pilot. Check Six, Nick M.
( |
. |
08/01/2003 |
website. I served on the USS Annapolis, formerly USS
Gilbert Islands, in the 1960s after it was converted to
a message relay ship. I often stood on the flight deck
and marveled that anyone could ever take off and land
aircraft on anything that size. Bill Wood |
. |
07/25/2003 |
Probably my
5th or 6th visit to your website and I'm always finding
new and intriguing items. Just went through the "USS
Gilbert Islands", and like the other pages, ...just
fascinating history!! Lee Ruzicka |
. |
07/22/2003 |
Hi Adam:
Found this site thru Escort/carriers. great site. I was
part of the orginal crew and worked in the Exec Off.
Still in contact with 3 other members of the crew. Joe
Roletto, Cox. Al Richardson, Chief Cook, Bill Ross, S1c.
Reunion to be held in Gettysburg, Pa. this coming
November. Harry Christen Y1c. |
. |
07/22/2003 |
Hi Adam this
is Joe McKenzie BM1c from the MAA force and the 3rd div
I see in there a good cox Joe Roletto can i get my e
mail address to him and others from the ship it is Great sight I have alot of pics and
stuff all will enjoy and am trying to get to this
reunion Capt Joe Mc Kenzie 491 Crystal Dr. Madeira Beach
Fla. 33708 |
. |
07/22/2003 |
Gilbert Islands 1945 vets - if you have pictures and
would like me to show them on this site, please get in
touch with me at Thanks, Adam
Lewis |
. |
06/07/2003 |
Hey, since I
am your son do I have to post anything? Oh it is good,
you put WAYYYY to much time into your models. But it is
your hobbie. |
. |
06/02/2003 |
Adam Lewis'
test. The Guest Book is working again! I apologize to
all who tried when the book was
malfunctioning. |
. |
04/30/2003 |
Adam, My
first impression was that you had far too much free time
on your hands. But after further consideration, I
realize that you are a man with a love of this nation,
our military, & history. Your attention to detail is
indeed refreshing in these days of instant
gratification. I thank you for your contributions as a
scientist & as an artist. The work you've done looks
very visually taxing...thank goodness you've got a good
eye man! Larry Nordgaarden |
. |
04/30/2003 |
Hi, Adam,
Thanks for letting us put some of your models in the
gallery of the Accurate Miniatures web site. Your work
is inspiring, well researched and well executed. We
appreciate the excellent job you have done with our
kits. Keep 'em coming! Thomas E. Myers Art Director
Accurate Miniatures, Inc. |
. |
04/24/2003 |
Adam, The
internet is graced with this site !!! Like so many
others who visit here, I appreciate your multifaceted
approach. You tell stories through word, object and
image. You "connect the dots", linking us all with
elements of our shared history. And your models look
terrific! Thank you for sharing your talent and vision
with us, and three cheers for taking the time and energy
to get out there and do all this. Best of luck as your
website here continues to grow. John Rood Boston, MA USA |
. |
04/22/2003 |
Hey Adam Your
web site is a s nice as your models!! And I really like
the Fury ;-) Keep up the good work as I'm anxious to see
more. Jim Clark |
. |
04/21/2003 |
Adam- Having
done a few myself, I am floored by the quality of your
work! The attention to accurate realistic detail is
impressive! The photo quality adds to the realism. I
feel like strapping on a chute an taking one out for an
afternoon! - Thanks, Roger Holcombe |
. |
04/19/2003 |
Dad, finally
got to your site. You are quite hip! Love your favorite
daughter. |
. |
04/18/2003 |
Adam: Way
cool. Your site is awesome. Tim Magness |
. |
04/13/2003 |
What a great
site! Thanks for providing the information and in an
easy to use site! Robert |
. |
04/13/2003 |
Adam: Your
site is superb. Not only is the modeling "inspirational"
- i.e., it inspires me to go out and do some similar
kind of quality project - but the information you have
researched on your subjects is extremely interesting and
mostly stuff I have not run across before. Please keep
up the good work! Tom Cleaver |
. |
04/13/2003 |
Nice site
Adam-it's now on my favorite's list. Hope you update
frequently. Jeff in Cincinnati |
. |
04/13/2003 |
Hi Adam,
Great site obviously managed by someone who loves our
shared hobby. I had the honor to present a built-up of
our Accurate Miniatures kit, Dirty Dora 1 to Vic
Tatelman a few years ago. A true gentleman who we all
owe a great debt to. Gee, I wonder why it is hard for
him to hear in his left ear??!! Your history of DD2 adds
a lot more to the Tatelman story. Keep on building! Bill
Bosworth |
. |
04/13/2003 |
Adam, Great
looking website and truly inspiring work. I haven't seen
you in a long time, and I hope one day soon I'll run
across you at a contest, maybe with that old "Vendors'
Glaze" on your face. best from Pennsylvania, Rev. Mark
Smith |
. |
04/13/2003 |
Pictures, Nice Site, Wish I had the patience & skill
to produce models like these, Wife says mine look great,
bless her. I like the pilot/plane idea, I knew a Halifax
pilot some time back, but he passed away just before the
Matchbox early version came out-I would have liked to
have done one for him. Dave S |
. |
04/13/2003 |
Adam, Your
site hits the nail on the head when it comes to
modeling. Weaving the history and experiences of pilots
and their aircraft is good is thing. But, modeling some
of the lessor know pilots aircraft and getting their
opinions on them adds another dimension to our hobby. It
fleshes out the plastic or humanize's the subject. Loved
the Jug article and model. Steve T |
. |
04/13/2003 |
Hi Adam,
Great site obviously managed by someone who loves our
shared hobby. I had the honor to present a built-up of
our kit (the original Accurate Miniatures), Dirty Dora 1
to Vic Tatelman a few years ago. A true gentleman who we
all owe a great debt to. Gee, I wonder why it is hard
for him to hear in his left ear??!! Your history of DD2
adds a lot more to the Tatelman story. Keep on building!
Bill Bosworth |
. |
04/13/2003 |
Outstanding job! I greatly enjoyed visiting your web
site. I look forward to any new additions. Beautiful
models! Ron |
. |
04/11/2003 |
Adam, Enjoyed
the website! Good luck with it. Frank Renda |
. |
03/18/2003 |
Great page
that you got there! I was especially amazed by your "I
know the pilot"-series. How´d ya get the authentic
decals for certain pilots´ aircraft? If you find the
time, please visit "RON´s SCALE MODEL PAGE" at You´ll find some
interesting pieces of modellers´ work there,too.
Greetings from Regensburg, BY, Germany, Ron
Bleicher |
. |
03/16/2003 |
Adam, great
site and interesting photos. re: the TBMs of VMTB-143, I
remembered a photo from a nose art book called Warpaint
and note that P-80 was named "Marie Ellen II" and P-85
was "Florida Gator" with a gator head drawing. Thanks,
Jim Meehan |
. |
02/17/2003 |
Wow! Mike
Warren |
. |
02/16/2003 |
Adam, Nice
site! Keep up the good work and good to see you! Bruce
Bell |
. |
02/15/2003 |
Adam: I’ve
been a fan of your “Plane Fun” website since its
earliest days. I’ve been intending to write a note of
appreciation for some while, but I’m glad that the
opportunity remained elusive for so long a time! “Plane
Fun” now seems to almost have a life of its own, with
Adam Lewis as the Doctor Frankenstein type who brought
it to life and keeps it pumped up. I think “life” is an
appropriate term, because I’m seeing an emphasis on
people, rather than machines, and I like that! I know
your intent with so much of your hobby effort is to
honor (to paraphrase Mr. Churchill) “those few who have
given so much to so many.” You are doing this very
nicely, sir! It is clear that your enthusiasm and
generosity are in some cases opening doors to a past
that must not be forgotten. I am pleased to have been a
small help on a couple of your projects. My involvement
has been both instructive and highly enjoyable. What
else can I say, except “Thank you!” and “Keep it up!” -
Avery Galbraith |
. |
02/08/2003 |
professional site Mr. Lewis! It's amazing the amount of
background and historical information goes into your
research of these planes. Reading the aircrafts' history
and knowing that they played an important part in our
country's history is impressive - these aren't just
models but truly works of art. Just wanted to say thanks
for sharing these good old Warbirds with us. Jan-Saint
Kith |
. |
02/07/2003 |
Charles McEnneny was here! My dad was Ssgt. Frank Joseph
McEnneny. Just wanted to check out the
site. |
. |
02/07/2003 |
Hi. I was
told of this site by George "Fritz" Liebich, the pilot
on an Avenger(plane P84), in squadron VMTB-143. My dad
was the radio gunner on that plane. Thanks to Adam and
all who have contributed info and photos. The phone call
from Fritz (out of the blue!), and this site has stirred
interest to dig out the scrapbooks. Frank W.
McEnneny |
. |
02/05/2003 |
Hey, This is
a great site with a lot of really good info on your
modeling subjects. I know I'll be coming back again just
to get through it all. Really nice aircraft buil-ups.
Keep up the excellent work. Max Brandt |
. |
12/30/2002 |
Adam I
enjoyed your wed site, thanks for thinking of me, Happy
New year Joe Bonacci |
. |
12/28/2002 |
Adam, It's
absolutely amazing to me what modeler's like you can do
to turn plastic into reality. Works of art. I am also
happy to see stories of the reality behind the real ones
as well. Glad I happened to find your website.....such
realism, made me remember my recent years in the Air
Force, although the planes were just a tad different.
Wish I had more time with the planes, but was too busy
fixing radios and electronics in the shadows. Thanks for
bringing back the good memories. Time for me to build a
plane model as well...just need to pick one. John
Elliott U.S.A.F. (1982 - 1986) Ground Radio
Communications Specialist 2151st Comm. Sq. 6920th
Electronic Security Group |
. |
12/19/2002 |
Adam, Your
hobby appears to bring you a great deal of fulfillment.
Excellent. I have not built a static model for some
time. I used to growing up all the time. My bedroom had
multiple dogfights, feathered props etc. Models appear
to be almost non-existant as part of the childhood
experience these days. I am 27 now and had a father who
was heavy into RC, so I am sure this influenced my
aviation taste buds. He would always take me to airshows
with his club. I have always admired our forfathers that
served our nation in WWII. I really get this sense that
my generation has no appreciation for this war at all.
To me it shaped the modern world as we know it. I love
hearing and seeing those piston powered aircraft roar
whenever I get the chance. Keep up the good work.
Marvelous research and fine attention to detail. Mike
Liguori |
. |
12/16/2002 |
Adam is the
only collector I know who has combined the exacting
skills of the model builder to the demanding search for
authentic wings and other aviation memorabilia. His
displays are stunning, and his models so precise you
feel that they are ready to fly. I urge the collecting
community to encourage this effort to honor the air
heroes and preserve their memorabilia.--Russ
Huff |
. |
12/11/2002 |
Adam Your web
site exceeded my expectations. I will wait with
anticipation to see where this site goes from here!
Thomas |
. |
12/11/2002 |
Great having
lunch today and catching up, and hearing of your
website. Fun reading! During WW2, (at the age of 6) I
received from my father a set of mounted paintings of
WW2 planes-the set contined paintings of about 25
planes- which were put out by Coka Cola-- each was
cardboard mounted and about 12" x 15". My favorite was
the Corsair. I used to have them hung around my room as
a kid. i believe my son Chris has them now--I will see
if I can get them back to share with you! Steve
Halsted |
. |
11/29/2002 |
Just a great
web page. Fine work. If you had not mentioned they were
models I would assume the planes were real. Warren
Carroll |
. |
11/28/2002 |
Beautifully done. I am probably prejudiced but my P-38
page was truly impressive. John Loisel |
. |
11/27/2002 |
Adam, your
'Plane Fun' web site is well done, fun to read and full
of little known aviation facts. Best regards, Thud
Weasel driver, POW & MOHer Leo
Thorsness |
. |