Starting in Dec 1944 the unit was based at Santa
Barbara where each plane had large letters and numbers such as 'EE54' on the fuselage
(they may have been that way in Mojave). The squadron embarked
on the USS Gilbert Islands in March 1945 and the EE markings
survived at most a few weeks after
which the 18 Corsairs and 2 F6Fs of
VMF-512 were numbered (arguably) in the sequence 10 - 29
with 19 and 29 being the 2 F6Fs. Nose art took hold and
then, most likely in July, white recognition stripes were added in
accordance with new regulations. In their final livery the 18
Corsairs were all-blue with white recognition stripes and nose art on
most. Here's #13 'Miss Nellie' dressed up like this. I
have no information about the markings when VMF-512 was based at
Pollocksville and Mojave, i.e., before their days in Santa Barbara.
Images on this page are
thumbnails... please click on one to view a larger version.
Large EE markings
 VMF-512 moved to Santa Barbara in December 1944 where this photo
of EE54 was taken. It shows the large fuselage marking in fresh
looking paint.
Evidently some previous markings were painted over.
The crash photo from Santa Barbara dated Jan 1945 shows EE66.
What were the other numbers?
There were 18 Corsairs in the carrier squadron and EE54 - EE66 covers
13 aircraft. I don't know for sure the first and last sequence
numbers but I know one of the F6Fs was EE70. Since the 2 F6Fs joined
VMF-512 late in Santa Barbara perhaps EE70 was the last or next to
last in the sequence. My best guess is the 18
Corsairs were EE52 through EE69 and the 2 F6Fs EE70 and EE71 or
perhaps EE51-68 with the F6Fs as EE69-70.
large markings were seen on the carrier for a little while.
Here's a photocopy of a page captioned at the National Archives "the
first catapult launch..." and dated March 10, 1945 showing EE55. The subject
of the next photo, EE62, is the set-up for the formal
portraits of the pilots in the cockpit but is not dated. Another undated image from the
carrier shows Ron
Spjeldet with Hard Hearted Hanna where an EE marked plane
can be seen in the background. Ron remembers his Hanna might have been EE62.
These numbers were repainted at least once - note the Santa
Barbara pictures have solid letters while the ones from the carrier
are done with a stencil.
Small number markings
The large EE markings disappeared to be replaced with smaller
numbers painted on both sides of the vertical
stabilizer and cowl as well as the forward-facing landing gear doors.
What was the range of numbers? I have photos
where the Corsairs are from 11 to 28. The Hellcats
were numbers 19 and 29, perhaps selected at random but I doubt
the Marines did things that way. Noticing that half the Corsairs
fit between 19 and 29 I think the other Corsairs were numbered 10-18 thus
placing an F6F at the ends of the two sequences 10-18 and 20-28
thereby accounting for the 18 Corsairs.
The transition date to the
small markings may be estimated from a
few dated photos taken by the USN photographers. Major Mueller's
Corsair crashed on May 23, the first day of combat for the Gilbert
Islands. The large EE marking is gone. The USS Gilbert Islands sailed
from San Diego April 12 and so the changeover to the small numbers
happened within a few weeks, perhaps even before the carrier left San
Diego April 12 for the Pacific.
Very few of these seem to have been applied. The prop
blades have the usual Hamilton ovals while the vertical stabilizer has the
standard 2 line marking... 'NAVY' over the bureau number. The
rudder has one line, undoubtedly the mandatory marking for aircraft
type in this case either 'F4U-1D' or 'FG-1D'. A few pictures show a
white stripe on the fuselage under the canopy. Other than
these I didn't see anything in the photos.
bureau numbers (BuNo)
I have some bureau numbers from their days on the carrier but not
before. Once aboard the carrier all planes lost
whether by accident or in combat had the BuNo written
in the War Diary of the USS Gilbert Islands which I obtained from the National Archives.
My archival copy covers the first flights during work up in San Diego
in March
1945 and goes to October 30, 1945. A few more numbers were
obtained from Tom Liggett's May 1945 log
book page. Lts. Liebich and Leidecker of
VMTB-143 flew a few hops in 512 Corsairs as recorded in their
pilot logs which I have copies of. And Lt. Spjeldet sent a copy
of his pilot log from April - Dec 1945 from which bureau numbers not
found elsewhere have been complied into the table. I used Joe Baugher's site at to ID the specific
types. The photos in the vicinity of the vertical stabilizer are
not good enough to see the BuNos on individual planes except for 82732
on number 22.
Please note the 3 FG-1As
were flown by Lt. Spjeldet during April 21-23 while he was on land in
Oahu. These BuNos were not seen in his days on the carrier.
I believe they were not on the carrier.
Joe Baughner's
listing |
BuNo |
Date Aircraft Lost |
Comment |
F3A-1 |
11257 |
16-Mar-45 |
Lt. Reichwald crashed at sea, rescued |
FG-1A |
14031 |
Lt. Spjeldet Log Book (21Apr45 at Oahu) |
FG-1A |
14306 |
Lt. Spjeldet Log Book (23Apr45 at Oahu) |
FG-1A |
14535 |
Lt. Spjeldet Log Book (22Apr45 at Oahu) |
F4U-1D |
57526 |
12-Jun-45 |
Lt. Steeb forced landing Okinawa, escaped |
F4U-1D |
57820 |
Capt. Liggett 24-May-45 log |
F4U-1D |
57821 |
23-May-45 |
Lt. Miller crashed at sea, killed |
F4U-1D |
57855 |
23-May-45 |
Maj. Mueller's crash on deck, rescued |
FG-1D |
76545 |
Capt. Liggett 23-May-45 log |
F4U-1D |
82732 |
Photo of number 23 |
F4U-1D |
82737 |
Capt. Liggett 29-May-45 log |
F4U-1D |
82792 |
Capt. Liggett 7-May-45 log |
F4U-1D |
82819 |
6-Jun-45 |
Lt. Windham crashed at sea, rescued |
F4U-1D |
82842 |
23-May-45 |
plane hit by Maj. Mueller |
F4U-1D |
82846 |
Capt. Liggett 29-May-45 log |
FG-1D |
87792 |
Lt. Liebich log 8-Sep-45 |
FG-1D |
87794 |
25-Jul-45 |
Capt. Liggett crashed at sea, rescued |
FG-1D |
87853 |
Capt. Liggett 9-May-45 log |
FG-1D |
87853 |
Capt. Liggett 30-May-45 log shot down a Dinah |
FG-1D |
87864 |
Lt. Liebich log 9-Nov-45 |
FG-1D |
87886 |
Lt. Spjeldet Log Book |
FG-1D |
87913 |
8-Jun-45 |
Lt. White shot down and killed |
FG-1D |
88030 |
Lt. Spjeldet Log Book |
FG-1D |
88038 |
Lt. Spjeldet Log Book |
FG-1D |
88040 |
Lt. Spjeldet Log Book |
FG-1D |
88049 |
Lt. Liebich log 30-Oct-45 |
FG-1D |
88085 |
Lt. Spjeldet Log Book |
FG-1D |
88112 |
Lt. Spjeldet Log Book |
FG-1D |
88124 |
Lt. Spjeldet Log Book |
FG-1D |
88127 |
Lt. Spjeldet Log Book |
FG-1D |
88128 |
Lt. Spjeldet Log Book |
FG-1D |
88241 |
Lt. Spjeldet Log Book |
FG-1D |
92021 |
Lt. Leidecker 1-Nov-45 |
FG-1D |
92043 |
Lt. Spjeldet Log Book |
recognition stripes
Maj. John Elliott USMC (ret) published a beautifully
done series of books The Official Monogram US Navy and Marine
Corps Aircraft Color Guide. In volume 2 on p.121 he says
the technical order directing carrier-specific recognition stripes to
be painted on the planes
aboard the CVEs was issued June 2, 1945. On the USS Gilbert
Islands they were not painted on right away as in June the planes were
pounding targets in the Sakishima Gunto. I don't have enough dated
Corsair pictures so I infer the paint-on dates from the TBM markings
of VMTB-143.
the Balikpapan operation June 30 - July 3 the TBMs don't yet have the
stripes. The earliest dated photo with stripes is this photo of
P87 over the edge, dated at the National Archives Aug 13.
Between July 7 and July 29 the carrier's planes were on land at Tacloban
where the CVE recognition markings must have been
painted on.
Some of the vets refer to these as invasion stripes.
Photos of
the individual planes
Photos are presented in the order the planes were numbered. I
could find no images of 10, 14, 17, and 20. There's at least something on the other fourteen even if it's just an
image of the uninteresting port side. Beautiful and creative
nose art was on most planes.
There's evidence that
some of the Corsairs were renumbered
since the photos of numbers 11 and 26 both show The Mad Cossack.
My 2 photos of Susie Q show a 6 portside and a beginning 2 on the
starboard side. I'm listing Susie Q as
16 to avoid conflict with The Mad Cossack 26.
here to see a slide show of just nose art close ups.
No photo
11 The Mad Cossack
Note plane 26 has this art too.

No artwork seen on
starboard or port. Number 12 is the third plane in the the Marpi Pt.

13 Miss Nellie
No art on port side as determined from Marpi Pt lineup where 13 is the
fourth plane in.

No photo
No artwork on either side. For starboard see the carrier deck
photo under 12. For port see the worship service photo. Number
15 is in the background of a VMTB-143 squadron photo where a crudely
written note can be seen under the cowl.

16 Susie Q
Susie Q has art on both sides.

No photo
No art on port side (see photo under 21).
19 F6F
No photo
21 The Brooklyn Butcher
This one has art on both sides.

22 Grand Slam
Grand Slam is the only one showing mission marks... 21 bombs under the
starboard wind screen. It's also the only one where a BuNo is visible on the
tail, in this case 82732.

23 Man O War!

No photo of starboard. No art on port side.

25 Semper Fi
The take-off photo has no artwork - it must have been added later.
26 The Mad Cossack
One of the more entertaining schemes, it's on both sides but slightly

No art visible on
port side

No art visible on
port side

29 F6F
Also, one was named Hard
Hearted Hanna. Pilot Ron Spjeldet says this was the other
Corsair destroyed when Maj. Mueller crashed on May 23. The War Diary
records its BuNo as 82842 but I don't know its small number.
By my count 9 Corsairs show nose art (using The Mad Cossack twice). Numbers 12
and 15 are the only two with both the port and starboard views showing
no art indicating 9 of 11 have nose art with no information for the
other 7 planes.
Note to modelers and artists:
if you do one of these please send photos of your work.
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