Two F6F-5P Hellcats were
assigned to VMF-512 for photo-reconnaissance. They were integral
to the squadron and I assume their
markings evolved in the same way as on the Corsairs. Please see
the page for Corsair Markings for relevant details. The
Corsair pilots remember the F6Fs joined 512 quite late, perhaps only a
month or two before embarking on the carrier.
The few photos I have all
depict the F6Fs in dark paint, undoubtedly the standard dark sea blue.
Images on this page are
thumbnails... please click on one to view a larger version.
Large EE markings
the only photo I have of an EE marking on an F6F. Since they joined
VMF-512 late, after the Corsairs were numbered, it's my guess the
Hellcats were the last 2 in the numbering sequence making them EE69
and 70 or EE70 and 71. This photo was
taken after the squadron was taken aboard the carrier March 11 but
before May 23.
Small number markings
The big EE numbers disappeared by May 23 to be replaced with smaller
numbers painted on both sides of the vertical stabilizer and cowl as
well as the forward-facing landing gear doors. The 2 F6Fs were
numbers 19 and 29.
 This picture
of 2 pilots next to F6F number 19 has enough
clarity to read the small data markings. The rudder is painted F6F-5P
the stabilizer has a two line marking 'NAVY' and 70936, the Bureau
Number. On the other photos I see the Hamilton oval decal on the
props but no other data markings. It's fair to say there may
been other stencils as my other photos are neither close up nor from
the top.
recognition stripes
As with the Corsairs the white recognition stripes must
have been painted on between July 7
and July 29 at Tacloban. The
picture of 19 (above) gives a good idea of the placement on the tail.
The 2 photos of 19 (below) show more stripe details. This one of 29
landing is the only one I have showing them on the upper right wing.
Bureau Numbers (BuNo)
Some numbers were found in the War Diary of the Gilbert Islands. In
addition a few TBM pilots flew the F6F once or twice and the
BuNos were recorded in their log books such as BuNos 77690 and 77424
flown by TBM pilots on March 31. Since 77690 is number 29 (Capt.
Sharpe's crash on June 18 is
also discussed on the page
VMF-512) I guess BuNo 77424, the plane Lt. Crawford
was flying July 1, must go with number 19.
I used Joe Baugher's site at to ID the specific
planes. I should mention the Aircraft Action Reports
written in 1945 for the Balikpapan operation specifically refers to
the 2 Hellcats as type F6F-5P. It's a little strange that the
numbers 70936, 72936 and 72637, 79637 were
found. They all check out as F6F-5 but raise the possibility of
a typo in the pilot logbooks. I would not have guessed 4 more
F6Fs were assigned although it is possible.
Baugher ID |
BuNo |
Date if Lost |
Comment |
F6F-5 |
77690 |
18-Jun-45 |
Capt. Sharpe crashed on deck in number 29. |
F6F-5 |
77424 |
1-Jul-45 |
Lt. Crawford shot down and killed in number 19. |
F6F-5N |
72936 |
Lt. Liebich log 22-Jul-45 |
F6F-5 |
79637 |
Lt. Liebich log 22-Jul-45 |
F6F-5 |
70936 |
Photo on carrier deck, undated |
F6F-5 |
72637 |
Lt. Githens log 30-Oct-45 |
Photos of
the individual planes
I have only a few images.
This photo from Marpi Pt shows the stripes under the port wing and the numbered cowl. I can see the small 19 on the forward landing
gear door and Hamilton logo on the prop. Also see the photo of 19 with
the pilots (above). Since I have no pictures of the starboard
side I cannot say if 19 had nose art. The photo of 'Launch
Operations' might depict number 19 or 29 but I put it here.
29 Survey!
Capt. Sharpe's accident June 18 occasioned a few pictures of this
plane. The
29s on the gear doors and tail are obvious and the white stripes had
not yet been applied. This Hellcat had nose art on the starboard
side which unfortunately is only partially visible. An
enlargement of this area reveals the word "Survey!" at the feet of a
walking cat which is perhaps holding a camera?
If you have photos of these
planes or any other information I hope you will contact me.
Note for modelers and artists -
if you do one of these please send me some photos.
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